Lauriston Saggar LLP
48 Blandford Street, London
, W1U 7HU
Recognised body
Decision - Closure
Outcome: Intervention
Outcome date: 3 February 2022
Published date: 3 February 2022
Firm details
Firm or organisation at date of publication
Name: Lauriston Saggar LLP
Address(es): 48 Blandford Street, London, W1U 7HU
Firm ID: 622102
Outcome details
This outcome was reached by SRA decision.
Decision details
To intervene into the remnants of the recognised body, Lauriston Saggar LLP.
It is necessary to intervene to protect the interests of former clients – paragraph 32(1)(e) Schedule 2, Administration of Justice Act 1985.
Other information
No agent has been appointed.