Cardinal Solicitors Ltd
Rear of 38 London Road, Cobblestone Place, Croydon
, CR0 2TA
Recognised body
Decision - Closure
Outcome: Intervention
Outcome date: 24 December 2021
Published date: 24 December 2021
Firm details
No detail provided:
Outcome details
This outcome was reached by SRA decision.
Decision details
To intervene into the recognised body, Cardinal Solicitors Ltd.
- there is reason to suspect dishonesty on the part of Mr Muhammad Tariq, as a manager of the firm, in connection with the firm's business - paragraph 32(1)(d)(i) of Schedule 2 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985.
Intervening agents
Emma Porter of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, SHMA SRA Interventions, PO Box 18228, Birmingham, B2 2HX has been appointed as the intervening agent.
For enquiries please call 0300 247 2470 or email