Swyddfa Caerdydd (Cardiff office)


Mae’n swyddfa yng Nghaerdydd wedi’i lleoli ger Gerddi Sophia ac mae'n daith gerdded fer o orsaf reilffordd Caerdydd Canolog.

Fydd ymwelwyr â'n swyddfeydd sydd heb apwyntiad gydag aelod o staff yr SRA ddim yn cael mynediad. Hoffem eich atgoffa’n barchus mai polisi’r SRA yw gofyn ichi gysylltu mewn ysgrifen, drwy lythyr neu’r ebost.

Mynediad i bobl anabl

Mae mynediad uniongyrchol ar gael drwy'r brif fynedfa a lifft i lefel 1.


Our Cardiff office is located near Sophia Gardens and is a short walk from Cardiff Central train station.

Visitors to our offices who do not have an appointment with a member of SRA staff will not be permitted entry. You are respectfully reminded that it is SRA policy to request contact in writing, by letter or email.

Disabled access

There is direct access to the office via the main entrance and lift access to level 1. There is a small set of steps before the entrance, a lift is available to use. 


O'r M4, Cyffordd 32, teithiwch i'r de ar hyd Rhodfa’r Gogledd, hyd at Gastell Caerdydd. Dilynwch y ffordd o gwmpas perimedr Castell Caerdydd, ac yna croesi'r bont. Ychydig wedyn trowch i'r dde i Heol y Gadeirlan.


Mae modd trefnu lle parcio wrth yr adeilad gyda'r staff.


From M4, Junction 32, travel south on Northern Avenue, down to Cardiff Castle. Follow the road around the perimeter of Cardiff Castle, and then cross the bridge. After crossing the bridge turn right onto Cathedral Street.


Parking at the building can be arranged with staff.


Caerdydd Canolog yw'r orsaf reilffordd agosaf i'n swyddfa ni yng Nghaerdydd.

Mae'r daith gerdded o'r orsaf yn cymryd tua 19 munud. O allanfa ogleddol yr orsaf, trowch i'r chwith tuag at Stadiwm y Principality ac yna ewch ar hyd glannau Afon Taf tua'r gogledd. Croeswch y bont ac yna trowch i'r dde i Heol y Gadeirlan. Mae'r swyddfa ar ochr chwith y ffordd.


The nearest train station to our Cardiff office is Cardiff Central.

The walk from the station takes approximately 19 minutes. From the north exit of the station turn left towards the Principality Stadium and then take the riverside walk north alongside the River Taff. Cross the bridge and then turn right onto Cathedral Road. The office is on the left side of the road.

Contact us

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