Welcome to our suite of corporate reporting for the 2020/21 year

We have published separate but connected reports on Authorisation, Client Protection, Education and Training and our enforcement work (published under the title: Upholding Professional Standards) for the financial year from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2021. Our Anti-money Laundering work is published to a different financial year, so will follow later. 

Anna Bradley, Chair of the SRA Board, said: ‘These reports provide a useful overview of our work last year. It shows we are doing well in many aspects of our work, yet there are other areas where I would like to see us improve. For instance, getting better at concluding cases in a timely way. That is in everyone’s interest – the public and the profession.

Read a summary of the headlines from our annual report.

Read a summary of the headlines from our annual report in Welsh.