The Solicitors Regulation Authority regulates PARKER RHODES HICKMOTTS.
According to our records, PARKER RHODES HICKMOTTS operates the website
Regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority
We set the rules that this firm and the solicitors who work for it must follow and will take action if these rules are broken.
This means that:
everyone who works for the firm must meet the high standards we set
this firm must have the right level of insurance to protect you in case something goes wrong
you may be able to claim through our Compensation Fund to have your money reimbursed if this firm or a solicitor working for it loses your money
you can complain to us if you are concerned about the behaviour of this firm.
If you have concerns about the service you receive you can also make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, who may be able to help you in resolving the issue.
Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited is a company limited by a guarantee registered in England and Wales. Our registered offices are: The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN