Academic stage legal practice course archived

Removed2013-12-31DMC-075aStandardsSupervisionThis criteria applies to decisions made by the Joint Academic Stage Board and the SRA in respect of the authorisation of academic stage course providers and the monitoring/accreditation of their courses, and to decisions made by the SRA Education and Training Unit in respect of the authorisation of vocational stage (Legal Practice Course) providers. Academic Stage, Legal Practice Course d752012-07-162012-07-16

The relevant provisions are:

  • Academic stage: The relevant provisions appear in the Joint Announcement (Appendix B of the Joint Academic Stage Board Handbook);

  • Vocational stage: The relevant provisions appear in the Monitoring of Courses Regulations 1991 (Annex 2 of Information for providers of Legal Practice Courses).

Academic stage:

The criteria used by the JASB and where relevant the SRA for the authorisation of academic stage course providers and the monitoring/accreditation of courses is contained in Appendix B,E, F, I, K, L, M, N and O of the Joint Academic Stage Board Handbook.

Vocational stage:

The criteria used by SRA external contractors for the authorisation of vocational stage course providers is contained in the general content of and Annexes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 and 13 to the Information for providers of Legal Practice Courses.

Academic stage:

The Policy in relation to approval and/or monitoring of the Academic Stage (Qualifying Law Degrees (QLD) the Common Professional Exam (CPE) and the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) is found in the Joint Academic Stage Board Handbook - September 2011.

Vocational stage:

The Policy in relation to the approval and/or monitoring of the Vocational Stage (Legal Practice Course ) can be found in the Information for providers of Legal Practice Courses - May 2012. 

Academic stage:

A case study is not appropriate with regard to the Academic Stage accreditations in view of the fact that these decisions occur mainly outside of the SRA, taken as they are by the Joint Academic Stage Board.

Vocational stage:

A case study is not appropriate with regard to the vocational stage as the decisions taken by the SRA rely on the particular circumstances of each institution seeking validation and the nature of the programme portfolio being offered. Full criteria are available in the policy documents referred to above.


Principles of regulatory decision-making, approved by the SRA Board, provide a set of standards applicable to decisions. The principles are supported by guidelines.

The reasons given by a decision-maker will normally include specific criteria applicable to the decision. SRA Policies relevant to decision-making are reflected in the criteria.
