Firms opening and closing

Statistics on this page relate to firms with Recognised Sole Practitioner, Recognised Body or Licensed Body (also known as an Alternative Business Structure) status.

Over the 12 months to end of May 2024, 371 firms have opened, and in the 12 months to end of March 2024, 523 firms have closed. The following chart shows the number of firms that have opened or closed in each month. A peak in firm closures is seen around the renewals period each year.

Note that the closure figures have been updated to include all reasons for closure, such as, ceased practising, mergers, splits and change of status. Previous figures reported related only to firms that had ceased practising.  View a breakdown of closure reasons for the 12 month period to end of March 2024.

Date(s) Open Closed
May 2024 37 -
April 2024 36 -
March 2024 31 49
February 2024 41 29
January 2024 29 31
December 2023 26 38
November 2023 40 36
October 2023 20 66
September 2023 30 77
August 2023 33 31
July 2023 15 31
June 2023 33 49
May 2023 46 50
April 2023 28 36
March 2023 33 71
February 2023 25 37
January 2023 28 30
December 2022 26 56
November 2022 35 33
October 2022 43 77
September 2022 27 83
August 2022 41 31
July 2022 33 47
June 2022 25 46
May 2022 28 49
April 2022 31 55