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SRA corporate strategy benchmarking – what drives trust and confidence in legal services?

In November 2023, we published our 2023–2026 strategy, with the mission to drive confidence and trust in legal services. Following the publication of the strategy, we commissioned Thinks Insight & Strategy to conduct research to better understand how we can best achieve the strategy's mission, as well as benchmark views so we can assess progress over the life of the strategy.

Annual assessment of continuing competence 2024

The report is designed to drive positive learning and development behaviour. It highlights good practice in how solicitors maintain their competence.

Practising immigration and asylum law solicitors training records review

Immigration and asylum law can be a complex, fast-paced and politically sensitive area of law. Clients seeking advice can be vulnerable or become vulnerable as their matter progresses.

A thematic review of asylum legal services

We carried out this thematic review to help us better understand how firms work in this sector, how they engage with clients, what supervision and training is being undertaken to support this work, and what firms are doing if and when any concerns arise.

Regulated population statistics

To provide our stakeholders with timely information about those we regulate, we publish key statistics about the population of solicitors and firms that we regulate. The statistics are updated monthly.

Solicitors Indemnity Fund Limited annual report and financial statement for the year ended 31 October 2023

The Directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2023. This report has been prepared in accordance with special provisions relating to small companies within Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006.

SRA Compensation Fund Annual Report and Financial Statements For the Year ended 31 October 2023

The primary object of the SRA Compensation Fund (the Fund) is to replace money which a defaulting practitioner (primarily solicitors) or a defaulting practitioner’s employee, manager or owner has misappropriated or otherwise failed to properly account for.

Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2023

This is our second full year of operating as Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited and the third report covering our activities as a distinct legal entity (DLE) within The Law Society Group.

Potential causes of differential outcomes by ethnicity in legal professional assessments

There is a widely acknowledged and long-standing difference in legal qualification outcomes by ethnicity. Our annual education and training monitoring reports show this difference and it is also evident in other sectors, countries and stages of education.

First Tier Complaints Report 2023

Solicitors have a duty to provide a good standard of service, as we set out in our Principles and as set out in the Legal Services Act. Complaints are an important indicator of service quality. We ask firms to report annually to us on the number of complaints.