Notify us of use of Third Party Managed Accounts (TPMA)

Updated 2 July 2024

What is this notification for?

You do not need our permission to use a TPMA. You do need to tell us that you are using a TPMA. A TPMA can also be used alongside an existing client account.

If you choose to engage more than one TPMA provider, you need to tell us about all the providers with whom you enter into an arrangement.

If you switch between TPMA providers, or stop using the one you have engaged with you need to tell us.

You should be aware of what you need to tell clients and the criteria for entering into an arrangement with a TPMA, this is detailed in Rule 11.1 and 11.2 of the SRA Accounts Rules.

Information you will need


  • the name and SRA number of your firm
  • the name of the TPMA provider
  • the TPMA provider's FCA authorisation number
  • the date on which you plan to start using a TPMA as part of your business
  • the date on which you ended using a TPMA as part of your business (note that this only applies when you stop using a TPMA provider).

Help with your notification

Contact us if you have any queries before you submit your notification.

How to tell us

Send your notification to the email address on the form.

There is no fee for this notification.

What you can expect from us

We will let you know if your notification is incomplete.

We aim to process all notifications within 30 days.

You can start using the TPMA straight away.