The SRA Handbook is no longer in effect. It was replaced by the SRA Standards and Regulations on 25 November 2019.

SRA Handbook


Back to version 21

Version 11 of the Handbook was published on 01/10/2014. For more information, please click 'History' Above

Regulation 16: Appeals


Any person who is aggrieved because:


the SRA has removed his or her name from the roll;


the SRA refused to remove his or her name from the roll; or


the SRA refused to change his or her name on the roll

may appeal to the High Court under this regulation.


Any person aggrieved by the SRA's refusal to restore his or her name to the roll under regulation 8 may appeal to the High Court under section 8(4) of the SA.


A person must invoke the SRA's own appeals procedure before appealing to the High Court under this regulation, and may invoke the SRA's own appeals procedure before appealing to the High Court under section 8(4) of the SA.


Appeals under the SRA's own appeals procedure must be commenced within 28 days of notification of the SRA's initial decision.


Unless otherwise provided in the relevant statute, regulations or rules of Court or in the relevant decision, an appeal to the High Court must be commenced within 28 days of the date of notification of the relevant decision, whether that is the SRA's initial decision or a decision under the SRA's own appeals procedure.


Under sections 8(4B) and 28(3F) of the SA the decision of the High Court is final.