The SRA Handbook is no longer in effect. It was replaced by the SRA Standards and Regulations on 25 November 2019.

SRA Handbook

CPD activities

Back to version 21

Version 17 of the Handbook was published on 12/08/2016. For more information, please click 'History' Above

Regulation 8: CPD activities


CPD activity should be at an appropriate level and contribute to your general professional skill and knowledge, in order to count towards meeting your CPD requirements.


The responsibility for meeting the CPD requirements falls on you, not your employer.

Guidance note to 8.1:


For the purposes of regulation 8, the following will be deemed to be CPD activities where they are relevant and beneficial to your area of work and/or practice:


structured training, coaching or mentoring sessions;


live or recorded webinars;


writing on law or practice, for example law books, journals, publications for clients, client's own publications, newspapers and magazines, online or in print;


structured work shadowing schemes with clear aims and objectives and requiring feedback or reflection on the activity;


research which relates to legal topics or has relevance to the practice/organisation which results in some form of written document, precedent, memorandum, questionnaire/survey etc;


study for or production of a dissertation counting towards a qualification recognised by us;


watching DVDs, webcasts, podcasts, television broadcasts or videotapes and/or listening to audio podcasts, radio broadcasts or audio tapes produced by learning and development providers;


work towards the Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) awards relating to assessment, verification and/or quality assurance of competence-based assessment models (such as, for example, National Vocational Qualifications);


participating in the development of specialist areas of law and practice by attending meetings of specialist committees and/or working parties of relevant professional or other competent bodies charged with such work;


work towards the achievement of an National Vocational Qualifications in any business-related area and at any level;


study towards professional qualifications.


These activities can be completed face-to-face or by distance learning, where appropriate.


Preparing and delivering these activities can count where appropriate, as well as attendance.


Actual time may be claimed.