Rachel Joanne
This individual changed their surname from Lister on 8 September 2021
Decision - Control of practice
Outcome: Condition
Outcome date: 6 March 2023
Published date: 21 May 2023
Firm details
Firm or organisation at time of matters giving rise to outcome
Name: Lister Naughton McCall
Address(es): DBH House, Liverpool Film Studios, 105 Boundary Street, Liverpool, L5 9YJ
Firm ID: 386578
Outcome details
This outcome was reached by SRA decision.
Decision details
Rachel Townsend’s practising certificate for 2022/2023 has been granted subject to the following conditions:
- Rachel Townsend is not a manager or owner of any authorised body.
- Subject to the condition above, Rachel Townsend may act as a solicitor, only as an employee where the role has first been approved by us.
In these conditions the terms are as defined in the SRA Glossary.